
A style guide and linter for Looker's LookML data modeling language

View the Project on GitHub looker-open-source/look-at-me-sideways

Running LAMS via GitLab CI

Note: This example was prepared for v1 of LAMS, though updating it for v2 should be straightforward. Please review v2 release notes for details. In particular, look for error messages on the console’s standard output rather than a file output to be committed back to the repo.

This example shows how to run LAMS with GitLab CI and was contributed by PieterjanCriel. Thanks!


Use the following dockerfile. This image is stored in the registry (e.g., registry.example.com/look-at-me-sideways-bot)

FROM alpine:edge

WORKDIR /opt/lams

RUN apk --no-cache --repository http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/testing/ upgrade && \
 apk --no-cache --repository http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/testing/ add \
 nodejs nodejs-npm

RUN  npm i -g @looker/look-at-me-sideways@1 --unsafe-perm

CMD ["/bin/sh"]

Add a gitlab-ci.yml file to your LookML repo. (Populate the LAMS reporting arguments in the script)

  - 👀 Look at me sideways

  stage: 👀 Look at me sideways
    name: registry.example.com/look-at-me-sideways-bot
    entrypoint: [""]
  # See [PRIVACY.md](https://github.com/looker-open-source/look-at-me-sideways/blob/master/PRIVACY.md)
  - lams --reporting=... --output-to-cli
    expire_in: 2 weeks
    when: always
      - issues.md
  when: on_success
  allow_failure: true

On every commit, LAMS will run and save the issues.md to the GitLab CI artifacts.