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Class EmbedClient<T>

Wrapper for Looker embedded content. Provides a mechanism for creating the embedded content element, and for establishing two-way communication between the parent window and the embedded content.

Type Parameters

  • T


  • EmbedClient



_client: null | T = null
_connection: null | Promise<T> = null
_cookielessApiToken?: null | string
_cookielessApiTokenTtl?: null | number
_cookielessInitialized: boolean = false
_cookielessNavigationToken?: null | string
_cookielessNavigationTokenTtl?: null | number
_cookielessSessionReferenceTokenTtl?: null | number
_host: null | ChattyHost = null
_hostBuilder: null | ChattyHostBuilder = null
acquireSessionPromise?: Promise<string>
sessionAcquired: boolean = false


  • get connection(): null | Promise<T>
  • Returns a promise that resolves to a client that can be used to send messages to the embedded content.

    Returns null | Promise<T>

  • get isConnected(): boolean
  • Indicates whether two way communication has successfully been established with the embedded content.

    Returns boolean

  • get targetOrigin(): string


  • acquireCookielessEmbedSession(): Promise<string>
  • acquireCookielessEmbedSessionInternal(): Promise<string>
  • addIframeMonitor(iframe: HTMLIFrameElement): void
  • connect(): Promise<T>
  • Establish two way communication with embedded content. Returns a promise that resolves to a client that can be used to send messages to the embedded content.

    Returns Promise<T>

  • createIframe(url: string): Promise<T>
  • createUrl(): Promise<string>
  • getResource(resource: string | CookielessRequestInit): { init: undefined | { body?: null | BodyInit; cache?: RequestCache; credentials?: RequestCredentials; headers?: HeadersInit; integrity?: string; keepalive?: boolean; method?: string; mode?: RequestMode; redirect?: RequestRedirect; referrer?: string; referrerPolicy?: ReferrerPolicy; signal?: null | AbortSignal; window?: null }; url: string }
  • Parameters

    Returns { init: undefined | { body?: null | BodyInit; cache?: RequestCache; credentials?: RequestCredentials; headers?: HeadersInit; integrity?: string; keepalive?: boolean; method?: string; mode?: RequestMode; redirect?: RequestRedirect; referrer?: string; referrerPolicy?: ReferrerPolicy; signal?: null | AbortSignal; window?: null }; url: string }

    • init: undefined | { body?: null | BodyInit; cache?: RequestCache; credentials?: RequestCredentials; headers?: HeadersInit; integrity?: string; keepalive?: boolean; method?: string; mode?: RequestMode; redirect?: RequestRedirect; referrer?: string; referrerPolicy?: ReferrerPolicy; signal?: null | AbortSignal; window?: null }
    • url: string
  • sendScrollData(iframe: HTMLIFrameElement): void

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